Monday, February 1, 2010

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings while the dawn is still dark

I have been reading this book called "The Fragrance of Faith", authored by Jamal Rahman (who is also Bangalee). It is a gift from a very dear friend of mine whom I love and respect immensely.

Everytime I feel uneasy about something, I read a few pages of this book and it instantly uplifts me.

an interesting insight, on self-reflection (which we often forget):

Make it a habit in everything you say or do to ask yourself, "Does my speech or action derive from a place of divine attributes within me: truth, love, compassion, beauty? or do they spring from a place of the little self in me: fear, pettiness, jealousy?" Be mindful of the question and make conscious efforts to originate from your soul. No matter how inconvenient, choose to honor your "soul need". The light takes care of the obstacles. Have faith.

However, if you lapse or succumb to a petty or selfish impulse in you, remember to be merciful with yourself and be utterly hopeful. The Universe lovingly provides a stream of opportunities to help you connect with your soul.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my most favorite quotes ever. I am going to buy the book.
